Shorten links within the email signature with Bitly

Create short links quickly inside email signatures and monitor click performance

Have more control and data property on clicks using Bitly to follow and optimize all email signature links.

Integration with Bitly
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Monitor clicks in the email signature

Marketing professionals who use Bybrand with Bitly optimize and enrich all email signature links to easily follow click rates, geographic data, and the main reference channels.

Filled Create and shorten URLs with only one click;

Filled Support for the branded domain;

Filled Save time avoiding manual tasks;

Shorten URL in email signature

Enriching email signatures

For a more effective marketing strategy on an email signature, you can enrich any text that receives a link.

Here are some frequently use cases:

Filled Links to social pages;

Filled Site link and blog;

Filled Links in images, like logos and icons;

Example of shortened URL in email signature
Bitly panel

About Bitly

Bitly is used by millions of clients, including approximately three forths of Fortune 500's companies, that together created more than 32 billion links.

Originally known by its global leadership in link shortening, Bitly also provides a managing platform with corporative level.