Disclaimer or legal notice in an email signature

An easy way to create and manage disclaimer email signature for all employees

When it comes to the confidentiality of your company's proprietary and private email communications, the importance of a standardized email signature with a disclaimer cannot be overstated.

All private and public companies should practice good email communication hygiene by ensuring that all outgoing messages use a disclaimer email signature.

Some use cases:

  • Law firms
  • Financial institutions
  • Doctors' offices and healthcare providers
  • Real estate business
Email signature with disclaimer

What is an email disclaimer?

An email disclaimer is a text section including a warning or legal notice that ensures your business will be protected from the actions of the receiving party. The most common disclaimer types include opinion, compliance, confidentiality, non-binding, and virus transmission. However, figuring out what to say in your disclaimer or which verbiage is right for your business can be confusing and overwhelming, especially if you're unfamiliar with legal jargon.

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Get ahead of inevitable mishaps

Mistakes happen. When rushing to send an email, an employee might hit Send before realizing their message is on its way to the wrong recipient. But what if that email communication contains sensitive company information such as a private contract, legal or health records, or product information about yet-to-be-released solutions?

This is where the protection of a standardized disclaimer email signature really comes in handy.

How does it work?

Watch a quick introduction and see just how easy it is to add an email signature disclaimer using the Bybrand HTML editor.

Adding a disclaimer block to your HTML email signature Arrow link

Examples of disclaimer email signatures

With a disclaimer, your organization can protect the information from being leaked when viewed by someone other than the intended recipient and also provide a consistent email communication style.

See also some email signature templates with a disclaimer block.

Disclaimer email signature templates

Email signature with disclaimer

Don't wait any longer. Deploy email signatures effortlessly

Say goodbye to time-sucking manual email signature management

With Bybrand's intuitive and user-friendly editor, every employee can easily have the same email signature set up, including the company logo, the correct brand colors, and the all-important legal disclaimer block, all set up in minutes.

With no clunky forms to fill out or multiple platforms to juggle. Bybrand is the ideal solution for handling employee signatures effortlessly.

HTML signature editor