How AI can help you create an email signature better

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We’re all using AI to work smarter these days, and creating an email signature is no exception.

With plenty of generative AI tools out there, like ChatGPT or Gemini, it makes perfect sense to use them to create an email signature. This can save you time and effort while helping you to create a high-quality professional signature.

We’ll explain exactly how you can do this in the guide below.

The benefits of using AI for email signatures

Whether you’re looking for a professional email signature, create multiple email signatures at once, or want to grow your personal brand, then using AI to help generate your email signature can be a great idea.

Here are some of the main reasons why:

Quickly generate ideas

The most obvious reason to use AI to create a custom email signature is that it can help you generate ideas quickly.

With AI tools, you don’t have to spend time thinking about what to include in your signature. Instead, simple generative AI platforms can help you create this for you, and provide text you can copy straight into your signature.

This is particularly helpful if you want to create a professional email signature for a specific purpose – such as signatures for lawyers or salespeople. You just include this information in your prompt, and the AI tool will help you generate the right elements for these types of email signatures.

ChatGPT prompt example for HTML signature.
Create elements for a professional email signature for a lawyer.

It’s free

AI platforms like ChatGPT can be ideal free email signature generator options. These tools can help you set up your signature with all the right elements without needing to pay for it.

Of course, it’s always better to use a built-for-purpose email signature generator platform that includes more options for designing and managing your signature. However, if you’re looking for a simple free platform to help get your signature started, then AI tools can be useful.

Helps with consistency

Do you need to create multiple email signatures across your organization? Then using AI can be a great way to maintain consistency across these signatures.

You can use AI tools to help you create an email signature template that you can apply across your organization. This ensures all of your email signature elements and branding stays consistent, which is essential for a unified brand identity.

Helps create professional email signatures

If you aren’t using an email signature maker with templates, then knowing what elements to include in your signature can sometimes be confusing.

With AI tools, you can generate these elements instantly. This ensures your email signature includes all the right details for a professional email signature. It will help you create a well-designed email signature that makes a good impression.

Best practices for professional email signatures

Before you use AI and a signature generator tool, you must understand business email signature best practices.

Let’s recap again:

Keep it simple

A professional email signature should be clear and concise.

Only include essential information, such as your name, job title, company name, contact information, and company logo. Anything else could just be filler that detracts from your digital signature and company branding.

Use the right fonts

Choose fonts that are easy to read. Stick to standard fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and avoid using too many different fonts.

Create a mobile-friendly signature

Ensure your email signature looks good on both desktop and mobile devices. When you create your signature, be sure to test it on different platforms to confirm that it’s mobile-friendly.

Include a CTA

When you create an HTML email signature, it can be a great idea to incorporate some kind of call-to-action button.

This could be a link to content, a downloadable resource, a calendar booking link, a link to upcoming events, a product demo link, or anything else that makes sense. Just remember – keep it simple and unobtrusive.

If necessary, add a legal disclaimer. Note that you can also use ChatGPT to create a confidentiality notice area for your email.

Next, place it in a smaller font to avoid distracting from the main information in your signature section.

Any good email signature generator tool should come with design templates that include legal disclaimer examples you can use.


A disclaimer generated using AI.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this email from your system. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of [Your Venture Capital Firm]. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. [Your Venture Capital Firm] accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Avoid image-only signatures

Always avoid using image-only email signatures. Images might not display correctly on all email clients, and they are inaccessible to screen readers.

Plus, image-only signatures won’t let you incorporate multiple links like you can do with an HTML email signature.

Step-by-step: Crafting your AI email signature

Creating a basic email signature using ChatGPT is a great way to speed up the signature creation process and give your email communication a boost.

You can follow the steps below, or go straight to this video tutorial using ChatGPT and Bybrand on YouTube.


  • First, create a prompt through ChatGPT, something like “Create elements for an email signature for a CEO”. This is just an example, but you can create specific prompts like email signatures for lawyers or for sales professionals.
  • The AI will generate a suitable response, but you might need to add more to it. If you need more elements, like extra contact details, a website link, or marketing buttons, then create a prompt for this. Make sure the prompt includes all the essential information you require.
  • When you’re happy with the AI-generated signature, copy the text and paste it into Bybrand’s Text to HTML signature tool. Choose your signature width, then click to convert it to a signature.
  • Now you’ve got the basic signature, you can customize it with things like the logo, social media links, and other branding elements. Customize the signature to match your brand and add a personal touch. You can also insert clickable URLs over the text.
  • Save the signature when everything is in place. You can click to preview the signature on different devices to ensure it’s mobile-friendly. You can also clone the signature in one click to easily make a consistently branded one for another team member.
  • Then simply copy the HTML signature and insert it into your Gmail account, Apple Mail profile, etc.

Email signature generators: What to look for

Even with AI, creating an email signature still requires you to use the right signature generator. When choosing a tool, here are two things we’d recommend you look for.

For AI-generated signatures, having a text-to-HTML generator that can convert plain text to HTML is very helpful. This means your AI tool needs to generate text only, and the signature generator can turn this text into a polished, clickable email signature.

You can then add and update branding elements and include visual elements like social media icons or your logo.

Otherwise, look for an email signature generator that lets you edit your signature in HTML mode. This is important if the AI tool you use generates the signature in HTML code that you need to edit.

The platform will let you visually edit the HTML signature, making it easy to create a great-looking signature that performs well.

HTML signature example generated with AI

Here is an example of HTML signatures with just text and links generated with ChatGPT.

HTML signature example generated with AI


<div class="signature">
    <p><strong>Your Full Name, Esq.</strong><br>
    Your Position<br>
    <em>Law Firm Name</em><br>
    Address Line 1<br>
    Address Line 2, if applicable<br>
    City, State, Zip Code</p>
    <p>Direct Phone: <a href="tel:+1234567890">+1 (234) 567-890</a><br>
    Email: <a href=""></a><br>
    Website: <a href=""></a><br>
    LinkedIn: <a href="">Your LinkedIn Profile</a></p>
  <div class="disclaimer">
    <p><em>Confidentiality Notice:</em> This email and any attachments are confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete this email from your system. Thank you.</p>


When you have the right tools, creating a professional email signature is easy. Luckily, with easy access to free generative AI platforms, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be creating professional email signatures for your communications.

However, make sure you still use the right email signature generator to create and edit your signature in HTML. This is essential for an email signature that looks and performs better and achieves more for your brand.

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Create your first email signature with Bybrand

Bybrand offers the ability to generate, administer, and distribute essential email signatures for your employees.

Or get more information.