Turn your emails into a branding tool with HTML signatures

An email signature is more than just contact information. It's an opportunity to showcase your brand in every email interaction.

Consistency is key when it comes to branding. And employees' email signatures can significantly increase brand awareness. Thus building lasting trust with the audience.

By following the brand guidelines correctly in the email signature, each message can be a strong branding tool.

Brand elements in an email signature

Filled Logo, and company name
Filled Promotional banner images
Filled Company website
Filled Social media profiles
Filled Slogan with company mission or values
Filled Physical store address
Email signature use case for branding
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How to calculate the effectiveness of the email signature for branding

If you monitor these metrics, you will better understand if the email signature is working for branding. This also helps to improve the strategy to have the greatest impact.

Filled Brand reach

Calculating how many employees are sending emails regularly. The number is important to understand how email communication is interacting with people.

Filled Clicks and interactions

Monitor how often people clicked on elements of the email signature, such as links and banners. For easy implementation, use Bitly and Google Analytics.

Connect with your favorite tools:

Branded email signature

Implement a consistent email signature today

Why businesses love Bybrand

Inexpensive, Secure and User Friendly Email Signature Platform.
Best of all times application for signatures management.
Bybrand helps to improve marketing programs and saving time through integration with top tools like Freshdesk,Zoho,Gmail.

Brand consistency across the organization

Implementing consistent email signatures ensures that all email communications maintain the brand identity. This uniformity helps to maintain a cohesive image, making it instantly recognizable in different interactions.

Import a list of employees from Google Workspace, Asana, or Google Sheets and create brand signatures quickly.

Go to Departments

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Create a distinctive brand

With a well-crafted brand email signature, you can establish professionalism and credibility with customers from employees who work with email. Whether they are from the sales, marketing, HR or support sector.

Other features to facilitate email signatures management:



Verify that every email that leaves your company is legally compatible.

Disclaimer editor

Create from scratch

Create from scratch

An advanced method that allows you to create your own HTML email signature pieces.

Create from scratch

Editor in HTML mode

Editor in HTML mode

Perfect for experts! Edit the email signature in the HTML version.

Editor in HTML mode

Restore past version

Restore past version

Preview and restore past versions of any email signature within 30 days.

Restore past version

Crop / Resize image

Crop / Resize image

The ideal size and crop will create highly engaging images for your email signature in minutes.

Crop image

Collaboration and team

Collaboration and team

Give access to creative people in your account and create better email signatures faster.

Collaboration and team

Bulk-send of signature

Bulk-send of signature

Send signatures to many employees and save time and effort.


Download signature in HTML

Download signature in HTML

Download email signatures in HTML locally to your machine.

Send test by email

Send test by email

Beyond real-time visualization, you can send unlimited tests to any email account.

Signature test

Ready to use Bybrand?

Uniformity helps to maintain a harmonious brand image, making it recognizable in different interactions.

Ready to use Bybrand?

Explore more about email signature for branding

There are some email signature branding strategies that you can use to achieve your goals. A strong brand builds trust. When customers see the same brand in every email, they start to trust it.