“A-ha” Moments using Bybrand – Department signature

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A solid corporate identity establishes trust and positive relationships. That means all communication should appear to be from the same group of people with matching styles, logos, and information.

IT managers and administrators can help solidify that delicate relationship between your brand and clients by implementing an easy-to-understand automated email signature.

Bybrand makes the process of creating a universal format for your staff’s email signatures much simpler. This will save you time whenever you are creating new accounts, removing old ones, or changing the job role of a staff member.

In this article, we will be exploring the methods of creating, formatting, and stylizing email signatures for your company. Take a look at the videos below to learn how.

Creating an employee list

Automated email signatures save your staff and company time.

In this video, the Bybrand editor demonstrates how to create, update, and edit an employee list using Google Sheets. You can use practically any spreadsheet program to make these useful forms, as long as you can save the file as a .csv extension to import later.

A sound email signature doesn’t just include a name and phone number. With the data entry tool suggested in Bybrand’s video, you can see how to enter social media links, department names, job roles, and any other identifying information your company finds relevant to that signature.

Adding placeholders to your department’s email signature

Now that you’ve got a better understanding of what information can be added to an email signature, you are ready to import that data into Bybrand’s system and begin to add placeholders to the current signature.

This video shows the simple steps of copying the ID tags of the placeholders and inserting them into the correct position within your email signature manager.

This is a practical way of mirroring all your department, staff, and company’s email signatures, so they all match. Having brand continuity across all the client’s touchpoints lends an air of professionalism that will help build your reputation.

All the IT manager requires are updates on any changes to the employee list. A quick change can be made without disturbing the rest of the populated email signatures already in use.

Styling department’s placeholders

Bybrand allows for adding custom links and styles to your email signature. Most online browsing today involves mobile devices. Creating methods for your clients to reach out to your company with nothing more than pushing a linked phone number or email on a mobile device allows for faster communication and improved customer satisfaction.

In this video, the Bybrand editor demonstrates how to update your placeholders with custom links that direct clients to the information you wish them to use as a contact.

This eliminates common barriers your clients might find cumbersome, like copying and pasting or having to flip between screens to type out phone numbers and emails. Anything you can do to make your business more accessible lends to a higher customer retention rate.

The best part of this styling process is that it doesn’t take years of writing code to understand; Bybrand has a straightforward UI that uses nothing more complicated than a copy and paste method to implement these placeholders across your company.

Create your customized email signature

Having a system that allows for quick updating, deleting, or changing of employee and staff information gives your company a measurable advantage that can be passed on to our clients. Managing your data in today’s modern world has never been easier with the quality tools from Bybrand.

Continuing, every member of your team is bound to have numerous contact points. Between email, phone numbers, WhatsApp, and social media, it can be confusing to manage all of that information. Creating a universal email signature allows for your IT managers and staff to easily manipulate and control that data, so you can avoid any miscommunications.

Save yourself time and resources and reach out to Bybrand today to start leveraging a clean, easy-to-read email signature for your business, organization, and team.