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How to add an email signature to Roundcube

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This is a fact! Roundcube is one of the main web email clients used in the corporate environment, much due to its easy integration with hosting panels like cPanel and, of course, being free and having a modern interface.

In this quick tutorial, we’ll go through simple steps to add an HTML email signature created with Bybrand to Roundcube. This way, your future email messages will have a beautiful signature!

You can skip the text and go directly to the end of this article to watch a complete video tutorial.

Adding an HTML email signature to Roundcube webmail

First, go to Settings, as illustrated by the image below, and click on the Identity tab.

Roudcube webmail settings.

Click on your email account and go to the Signatures area. Click in HTML Signatures because your signature needs this option to show correctly. The second step is to copy the signature code from Bybrand and paste it into the text box.

Your signature looks better if you paste the HTML code in the signature boxes.

  • A window will open, paste the code in it and save.
  • Enable the HTML Signature option, indicated below by a red arrow.
Roundcube email signature area
Roundcube email signature area

Save. Subsequently, you need to enable HTML in messages for the signature to show. Go to Preferences and then to the Compose Messages option.

In Compose HTML Messages, choose the option Always and save right after. All done. Now all of your future email signatures will have a beautiful email signature.

Video tutorial

As promised, heres a video tutorial showing how to use signatures with Roundcube.

Add an HTML email signature in Roundcube

If you need any clarification or difficulties, please contact our support team.

Updated on 26 de September de 2023
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